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Culture & Leadership for the Connected Age

Getting your outside right means getting your inside right  – the rules of the game have changed in a faster, connected world, engage Sean and his group to understand the culture of doing business in a world of higher stakes and shorter timespans, and learn the implications for inside your organization.

Sean Moffitt's Culture & Leadership Experience & Credibility

Credibility as a Former Large Organization Executive

Over 100+ Engagements with Corporate, Government, Academic and Not-for-Profit Leadership

Generalist skillset across 12+ different disciplines

Ten Facets to Culture & Leadership for The Connected Age

Why your organization and you do what you do, why your organizations believes it to be right and why your audience finds that compelling.

Building for agility, speed, “scale fast/fail fast” experimentation, real-time decision making and continuous feedback and learning.

Appealing to the two polar drivers of the connected age: the need for more connected and pervasive analytics/data-based decisions and the need for more emotional/sensory/instinctive intellect.

Facilitating more open, connected and porous perimeter to your organization that’s inviting to customers, citizens, partners, influencers, media and supply chain to participate at a deeper level.

Winning the war for elite talent and a bigger global, systemwide footprint.

Moving away from command-and-control, providing flatter executive structures that facilities workflow and accountability, connects dots easily, collaborates well and adapts quickly to changing marketplace and technologies.

Providing sufficient quality and quantity of time, space and resources to drive breakthrough beyond current quarter and annual cycle.

Executive with a bias for action, initiative mindset, nurturing positive behaviours, having a sharp understanding “the how” of decisions getting made, rewards being given and key influences being listened to inside their organization.

Comfort level and ability to translate efforts simply, charismatically, provocatively and transparently inside and outside the organization.

Ability to manage, track, benchmark and intervene on performance organization-wide and in real-time; ability to balance short term wins versus long term aspirations.


“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”   
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist

The 2018 Digital & Technology Periscope

As a companion study to our customer-facing “Customer Zeitgeist”, we’re asking digital executives, IT leaders, transformationists and strategic people dealing  with the connected economy, all about the emerging technologies and the changing digital world. Let’s...
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The Digital Transformation Landscape

Having looked at more than a hundred digital transformation models, one of the common frustraters I find is that each model seems very tribal. CIOs author transformation models focused on technology and the inherent issues of integration, platforms, security, features...
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The C-Suite Titles of the Future

The New C-Suite Titles of the Future?

Ask any CEO and they will tell you that leading a business is more difficult than it has ever been with more people and topics vying for your attention. A number of relatively new tribes of professionals are asking for their fair share of resources and management...
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Slide IQ

Slide IQ – Presentations for Impact – Length, Density, Quality & 10 Leading Characteristics

I’ve been thinking a lot about presentations lately. In the course of a year, i’ll have the opportunity to impact over 10,000 people in a live presentation arena and plenty more online. Like any craft, it’s my obligation to stay abreast of what works. Two...
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Fast Forward Update #1-6 – The World is Getting Faster and Blurrier

As part of a personal and new economy manifesto, I have been compiling the best examples of a society, culture, business and technology that keeps getting sped up.  It’s one thing to say it as a “throwaway line”, it’s another thing all together...
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Culture & Leadership Enquiry

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