Sean Moffitt's Emerging Trends Experience & Credibility
Field Seven Leading Edge Research Reports Annually
Connected to Global Startup Community
300+ Global Futureproofing Community
Nine Facets of Emerging Trends Research, Analysis and Insights
- Customer Behaviour Shifts
- Business Trends
- Societal Norms
- Technology Accelerants
- Media Impacts
- Cultural Intelligence
- Brand Effects
- Macroeconomic Factors
- Geopolitical and Environmental Shocks
How Specific Customer Audiences, Users, Fans, Influencer snd Generations Adapt and Change
How Cross Industry Dynamics are Changing
How Societies value and expectations are changing
How the introduction and adoption of technologies accelerates trends
How more personalized, immersive, social, connected, smarter and mores sophisticated media influences the marketplace
How overriding global, national and local values and practices affect bel;refs and behaviour
How new consumer usages and practices, product & service launches and advances in strategies and tactics have a knock-on effect on other products, services, industries and consumer expectations
The cyclical and seasonal economic and financial variables affecting progress
How shifts in national, regional and global politics, relative strength, strife, natural disasters, health and sustainability affect other trends
“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist