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Emerging Trends - Profiling Shifts and Imagining Futures

It’s a fast moving world  – Invite Sean to map out the brand, business, cultural, customer, media, societal and technology trends and implications for your organization,

Sean Moffitt's Emerging Trends Experience & Credibility

Field Seven Leading Edge Research Reports Annually

Connected to Global Startup Community

300+ Global Futureproofing Community

Nine Facets of Emerging Trends Research, Analysis and Insights

How Specific Customer Audiences, Users, Fans, Influencer snd Generations Adapt and Change 

How Cross Industry Dynamics are Changing

How Societies value and expectations are changing

How the introduction and adoption of technologies accelerates trends

How more personalized, immersive, social, connected, smarter and mores sophisticated media influences the marketplace

How overriding global, national and local values and practices affect bel;refs and behaviour

How new consumer usages and practices, product & service launches and advances in strategies and tactics have a knock-on effect on other products, services, industries and consumer expectations

The cyclical and seasonal economic and financial variables affecting progress

How shifts in national, regional and global politics, relative strength, strife, natural disasters, health and sustainability affect other trends


“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”   
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist

The 2018 Digital & Technology Periscope

As a companion study to our customer-facing “Customer Zeitgeist”, we’re asking digital executives, IT leaders, transformationists and strategic people dealing  with the connected economy, all about the emerging technologies and the changing digital world. Let’s...
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The Digital Transformation Landscape

Having looked at more than a hundred digital transformation models, one of the common frustraters I find is that each model seems very tribal. CIOs author transformation models focused on technology and the inherent issues of integration, platforms, security, features...
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Fast Forward Update #7-13 – Transportation Edition – The World is Getting Faster & Blurrier

Here is the second instalment containing seven examples that point to a world that keeps getting quicker, faster and tougher to evaluate in the “Transportation” industry. As we have seen over the last 30 years, massive disruption has hit the $4 trillion...
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Fast Forward Update #1-6 – The World is Getting Faster and Blurrier

As part of a personal and new economy manifesto, I have been compiling the best examples of a society, culture, business and technology that keeps getting sped up.  It’s one thing to say it as a “throwaway line”, it’s another thing all together...
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The 2016 Personal Branding Survey

In association with Wikibrands and our upcoming presentation “Personal Branding in a Snapchat Age“, we are fielding our first survey pulse check on the role of Personal Branding.  Most of my history has focused on how corporations, startups and...
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Emerging Trends Enquiry

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