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New Business Models & Strategies

Technology and fast moving customer shifts are redistributing wealth quickly – be the winner not the loser – invite Sean and his team to look at viable breakout business models for your organization, find opportunities to tap and roadblocks to overcome, and help deliver tangible business value beyond this quarter.

Sean Moffitt's New Business Models Experience & Credibility

Global Crowd, On-Demand and Sharing Economy Expert

Experience in Building New Business Models in 12 Different Sectors

Previous Executive Client Strategy & Innovation Success

Ten Types of Business Models & Strategies for the Digital Age

Make, distribute, sell, licence, on-demand, intangible (time/knowledge) and certify production

General, niche, curated, auction, franchised and resell retail.

Member-based, member-funded, crowdsourced, multi-ilevel, group buying  or reverse auction models.

Subscription-based, replacement-based, shared, premium payer, pay-as-you-go and micro-payment models,

Buyer/seller, collaborative consumption, consortium-based, traceable currency, transaction facilitator and dynamic pricing models.

Advertiser/sponsor-based, listed/promoted-based, network/platform builder, reputation builder, data-based and non-profit models.

Transformational or horizontal moves.

Pricing, revenue or value reframing.

More integrated, more specialized or more collaborative offering.

New geographies, new participants, new audience segments or usage situations.


“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”   
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist

The 2018 Digital & Technology Periscope

As a companion study to our customer-facing “Customer Zeitgeist”, we’re asking digital executives, IT leaders, transformationists and strategic people dealing  with the connected economy, all about the emerging technologies and the changing digital world. Let’s...
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The Digital Transformation Landscape

Having looked at more than a hundred digital transformation models, one of the common frustraters I find is that each model seems very tribal. CIOs author transformation models focused on technology and the inherent issues of integration, platforms, security, features...
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Fast Forward Update #7-13 – Transportation Edition – The World is Getting Faster & Blurrier

Here is the second instalment containing seven examples that point to a world that keeps getting quicker, faster and tougher to evaluate in the “Transportation” industry. As we have seen over the last 30 years, massive disruption has hit the $4 trillion...
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Fast Forward Update #1-6 – The World is Getting Faster and Blurrier

As part of a personal and new economy manifesto, I have been compiling the best examples of a society, culture, business and technology that keeps getting sped up.  It’s one thing to say it as a “throwaway line”, it’s another thing all together...
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New Business Models & Strategies Enquiry

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