Sean Moffitt's Branded Content & Social Business Experience & Credibility
Conducts Buzz Report Research of Shifting Digital Marketing Attitudes & Behaviours
Has Helped Manage 30+ Clients Content & Grassroots, Social Media Initiatives
Global Keynote Speaker on Brand Content and Social Media
Eleven Facets of Branded Content and Social Media/Channels Management
- Brand Content Planning & Audience
- Brand Content Optimization & Conversion
- Brand Content Conception, Creation & Design
- Brand Content Curation and Aggregation
- Brand Content Analytics and Measurement
- Influencers & Advocates Management
- Brand Content Distribution, Syndication & Automation
- Brand Scheduling & Workflow
- Content and New Media Policies, Legal & Compliance
- Media Channel & Social Media Management
- Brand Content Integration & Responsivness
Orchestrating and resourcing a full year rollout of content and new media directed at general & specific audiences.
Optimizing and testing for ideal variety, format, design, messaging and tagging for clicks, attention, affinity, buzz and purchase.
Development of original, brand-consistent, media-relevant, multimedia content and assets.
Discover, selectively compile third party content from disparate sources.
Understand data, performance tracking and insight from brand content and media efforts in shared, owned, earned and paid media.
Identify, incubate, leverage and amplify contributions form brand content influencers and important brand advocates.
Disseminate effectively and efficiently brand content across various media, through human operator and automated administration and scheduling.
Calendarize and identify responsibility and accountability for branded content development and deployment.
Ensuring governance and adherence to organizational guidelines, industry rules and legal and ethical responsibilities governing brand content.
Optimize deployment and innovation of innovative, new, promoted and organic media, email, social media and sharing platform efforts.
Ensuring the right content across various media, in the right format, functioning across all platforms and devices.
“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist