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The Crowd, Sharing & On-Demand Economy

New people-centred economic segments have flourished around the world in the last decade – Invite global expert Sean Moffitt to address what’s really changing, inspire you on how to participate and educate you on ways to tap value out of this world.

Sean Moffitt's Crowd, Sharing and Crowd Economy Experience & Credibility

Curator of the Leading Global Conference on the Topic

Conducted Authoritative Annual Global Study on this Fast Changing Economic Segment

Built and Connected to 411+ member Crowd Economy Community

The 14 Parts of the Crowd, Sharing and On-Demand Economy

Local, national, multinational and global digital citizen engagement in: issues identification, policy development, citizen service/delivery, promotion/communication, electoral systems, egovernance, challenge prizing, civic crowdfunding, volunteerism and activism.

Creative and evaluative crowd research solutions including: forecast/predictions, recommendations, filtering/ranking, big data synthesis, systems testing, crisis response, knowledge management/wikis, market research, ideastorms and customer service.

Concept, data, standards and sourcing open innovation solutions including: configurations, product offerings, designs, experiences, ideas, solutions, optimizations, software and services.

Public, private and hybrid mass collaborations including: knowledge networks, policy networks, advocacy groups, operational/delivery networks, institutional networks, watchdog groups, platforms, governance groups, global standards organizations and cultural diasporas.

Open, hybrid and closed communities of: customers/users, fans/ambassadors, experts, influencers/tastemakers, members, suppliers/partners, employees and grassroots advocates.

Crowd-based tasks and creativity including: voting, polling, contests, outsourced microtasks, freelance macrotasks, complex solutions and self-organzied groups.

Individual, corporate social responsibility and not-for-profit crowd-based cause efforts including: positions/pledges, fundraising, taking action, volunteering, recruiting others, education, donation crowdfunding, mobilizing offline and developing breakthroughs.

Social business galvanizing and curating content, conversations, campaigns, commerce and business models across: marketing, sales, support, innovation, talent and corporate-wide efforts.

More highly involved and shared co-created efforts of products, services, experiences, concepts and full business through customer: submitting, tinkering, co-developing, co-leading and co-ownership.

Shared goods, services, transportation and spaces taking on various forms: gifting, sharing, lending, swapping, provisioning, pre-owned,  co-owned and customized.

Open and curated crowdfunding that does not confer equity from donating members but may take on the form of : donation, reward-based, sponsored/patroned and civic-based.

Open or curated crowdfunding that does confer equity to members and may take on the form of: investment equity, royalties, microcredit and community shared ownership.

Peer-to-peer marketplaces, both lending and commerce in the following sectors: consumer products and services, small business, education, real estate and industrial goods.

People-mediated currencies including: currencies, payment networks and distributed exchanges.


“Lead, follow or get out of the way.”   
― Thomas Paine, American Revolutionist

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Crowd, Sharing and On-Demand Economy Enquiry

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