The Digital Transformation Landscape
Having looked at more than a hundred digital transformation models, one of the common frustraters I find is that each model seems very tribal.
CIOs author transformation models focused on technology and the inherent issues of integration, platforms, security, features and compliance with passing reference to end users and business leadership.
CMOs author transformation models focused on acquiring and retaining customers talking up customer experience, new media, content/inbound marketing, tracking performance and revenue acquisition with passing reference to issues concerning the organizational change, integration, risk management and technology architecture and execution.
And yet another party – CEOs/COOs author transformation models focused on how to generate competitive positionings, cost and workplace efficiencies, strategic alignment, culture change and organizational speed and delivery with passing reference to functional-specific issues related to technology, marketing, HR, sales and finance.
All of these are incomplete. True digital transformation embeds itself deeply in organizations and changes the culture, behaviours, strategies and tactics of the business, customer-facing, talent leading and technology managing facets of the business.
We’ve attempted to build a more holistic model – including the key 5 transformation segments, 10 sub-segments, 20 expected outcomes and 90 sub-areas of transformation concern. Let us know what you think and if we have missed anything.
Attached is a higher definition PDF to search all the intricacies of our new model digitaltransformationlandscapeprecog