The 2016 Personal Branding Survey
In association with Wikibrands and our upcoming presentation “Personal Branding in a Snapchat Age“, we are fielding our first survey pulse check on the role of Personal Branding.
Most of my history has focused on how corporations, startups and organizations have built and incubated their brands, we’re wondering of the same rules hold for personal brands.
So in this survey, we’re asking:
- How important is personal branding? and has it increased in importance?
- Are you even comfortable with the term “Personal Branding”?
- Do employers care about the value of your personal brands?
- Are you currently happy with your own personal brand?
- Top reasons to invest in your personal brand?
- Top positions/functions that can benefit from a strong personal brand?
- Key Personal Branding Success Factors?
- Key Personal Branding Media/Content Tools?
- Top Personal Branding Social Media Platforms/Tools?
- Most frowned-upon aspects of Personal Branding?
- in your opinion, the greatest and most horrible personal brands?
- What forces will drive personal brands in the future?
- What are the best habits of great personal branders?
We’ve had some great answers already, and we’d love your thoughts. Hopefully you can grab 5-10 minutes and provide your insight. We will recognize and share toppling results with all respondents.
Additionally, if you’re considering any type of content or event around personal branding, we are expecting results finalized at the end of April’16 and would love to collaborate. Please get in touch with us here.